Finding the Right Mouth Guard

Finding the Right Mouth Guard

Apr 01, 2020

Mouth guards serve the function of protecting your teeth from injuries that result from sports or even teeth grinding. The 3 types are:

  • Stock Mouth Guards: These ones are prefabricated. They are cheap, although they cause breathing difficulties and are bulky too. They are not recommended by dentists.
  • Boil & Bite Mouth Guards: They fit better compared to their stock mouth counterparts. They are made from thermoplastic material. To soften them, they are dropped in hot water and then inserted into the mouth.
  • Custom-fitted Mouth Guards: They are tailored specifically for you. These are made in professional laboratories and dental offices following the instructions of your dentist. They are suitable for people who grind their teeth during their sleep.

How Do You Find the Right One?

Your dentist at Holland River Dental will recommend different types of mouth guards for various problems.

Mouth Guard for Grinding and Clenching Teeth

Grinding your teeth during the night necessitates the creation of a bite splint/ nocturnal bite plate to prevent any damage to the teeth.

Bruxism- the habitual teeth clenching and grinding- can damage your general oral health and cause issues like chipped/cracked teeth, jaw pain, headaches, and TMJ disorders. If you are a bruxism victim, you may find a mouth guard/ night guard/ dental guard useful.

Teeth Clenching

This refers to jaw tightening. A large force is exerted between the lower and upper teeth, straining the muscles of the jaw. Excessive pressure can, therefore, cause earaches, jaw soreness, headaches, and cracked teeth. Joint problems can also result from this.

Teeth Grinding

This is the repeated rubbing between the lower and upper teeth forcefully. The grinding is capable of flattening out the grooves of your teeth and weakening the whole tooth. Tooth loss is possible too. Just like clenching, it can cause stiffness, headaches, and jaw pain.

How a Night Guard for Clenching Teeth Will Help You?

The night guard creates a boundary between the teeth, acting as a layer of protection. With clenching, it reduces the pressure exerted on the lower and upper jaw. With grinding, it provides a protective boundary between the lower and upper teeth, minimizing possibilities of damage to the teeth.

A mouth guard for teeth clenching is made using a flexible and softer rubber material. The material provides a cushioning effect and absorbs clenching forces.

A mouth guard for grinding teeth is made using acrylic or laminate material. Here are the benefits you get from using mouth guards for bruxism:

  • Tooth damage is prevented
  • Muscle strain, headaches, and jaw pain are reduced
  • Damage to the joints is avoided
  • Bruxing pattern is constrained

How Can You Stop Clenching or Grinding?

Natural Remedies: there is a link between stress and bruxism. Reducing stress levels may reduce bruxism. Diet is also associated with teeth clenching and grinding. Avoid foods like caffeine and alcohol, and ensure your minerals and vitamins intake is sufficient.

Medical Treatment – some medications, e.g., anxiety prescriptions and muscle relaxants, can help in managing bruxism symptoms.

Sleep Apnea

This is a sleep disorder that causes a temporary stoppage in breathing when you are asleep. This prevents the brain from receiving sufficient oxygen and increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. It can also result in excessive snoring.

Many people with this condition use the CPAP machine that keeps the airways open as they sleep. In the situation of a mild apnea, a mouth guard can provide the same result. A custom-made sleep apnea mouth guard pushes the tongue and lower jaw forward, thus keeping the airways open.


Snoring results from soft tissue vibrations in the upper airway. Mouth guards can reduce snoring. Just like mouth guards designed for sleep apnea, hey pull forward the lower jaw keeping the airway open.

There are a lot of OTC mouth guards online and even in stores that can be prescribed for preventing snoring. There, however, hasn’t been a lot of research on them. There is no clarity on their actual effectiveness.

Mouth guards can be designed to meet each of your needs. If you have any of the conditions mentioned above, it is wise to consult your dentist at Holland River Dental. The dentist will then establish the one that best suits you.

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